How to Love

Love, love mmm..

Love is friendship set on fire,it is the irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired. It is an act of endless forgiveness, which just like war, is easy to start but hard to end. It is that feeling you know you are experiencing when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. As sweet as it sounds, Love isn’t perfect it is just the best option compared to the other alternatives that include not loving.

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I am not a master in defining what love is or isn’t… To be honest I’m just a not too tall black kid from NDG with a message. A message about how Love should be experienced, shared, and practiced from a different point of view.

Uh hum…  (clears throat and looks up to heaven as I light my first Stick of California’s best Larry OG)10659102_10205551449009343_28123324776824888_o

Please to further appreciate the message I indulge you to play some some Soul -music in the back ground as you read. ( I suggest this one if you cant find any on time… :))





            That said sit back, relax and enjoy and let me love you…





I was told if you can make a woman laugh, you can make her do anything…But does Anything really matter if that “anything” isn’t what you want her to do?

Its funny how some girls leave us men to go kiss frogs because they are looking for a prince… In a Frog!!! I know I may be high but how many frogs will you kiss before you find a prince? A real one? 

I know I am no poet nor scholar but just give me a chance to undress you to the nakedness of love… Pure Love.

You always said don’ tell me you love me show it… Me voici donc, Let me in so we can be together in love’s private chamber. Sitting there eye to eye as I make love to your existence and further entangle ourselves in the colors of each other’s energy.

Forgive me, I may be too direct but my ghetto butterfly feelings flew away from me….




Thats why I tell it how it is Ma… Right now I just want to lose myself inside you until  you find me and confine me to the freedom of your prison. I want to experience, share and make love to you, my soulmate…Shh Don’t talk just let us exist in this same space and time.


(sits quietly for a second and listens to the jazz kick in… PS make sure you have Jazz playing behind if not you wont enjoy it)


This mini silence is to hard to take in because the more I sit and wait for my ghetto butterfly feelings to return, the more I want to drink the sweat of your intellect and feel your light passion nuzzle the insides of my neck. I wonder… How does it feel to make love to your soulmate? Yes I said it soulmate. Even gangsters have such thoughts.

“I bet it feels like writing poetry till climax… till the point and place where space and time match. Oh yes thats when we cross the line and stay together until your thoughts slow grind with mine. Before I continue to caress the Sights of your presence with no question… Just tell me wouldn’t you like that?”


I mean, I lived a life afraid to tell the people I loved, how much I loved them because I was scared to get hurt. But then I realized that you don’t have to love someone because they’re perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they’re not. As I grew older I realized that there are three things can’t be hidden: coughing, poverty, and love. As much as we try to hide our love for others, one way or the other it often gets noticed. Sadly, since love isn’t perfect, to love and be loved takes time, effort and patience. However it is worth the hustle. So rather than fight love… Give in. Learn to understand, share and appreciate love (regardless of what type of love… love for family,races,friends, etc.)

So I will ask’ you again now, tell me..
Would you like that,
Wouldn’t you want to experience mad love 

the type that makes your only nightmare be waking up alone in a world where your soulmate is no longer yours…

A world where he/she cant kiss you anymore in a way that numbs your lips, and sends little sparks of electricity swimming past the currents of your excited body vibrations.

Wouldn’t you like that?

I guess not but I rather you be silent and think about it while our spirits masturbate to the fond memories… 

If Love had a voice this is what it will say…

“you deserve it all.”


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You deserve the happiness, the sadness, the crazy sex, the arguments, the fights…




… Everything.

This just to say yes love is painful pleasure meant for all but really enjoyed by a few.


IDK… but if I really had to answer, I’ll say it is because we are impatient in making decisions. I mean if you make decisions based on your emotions alone, you will be quick to fall in or out of love. To be honest let nobody dictate who,when,why and how you love someone else but then remember I’m no expert on this matters. Maybe Im just the biggest hypocrite of 2015 with a message on how to love.
